After finally pulling everything together we had our first official bunco night. It wasn't all together, but we were able to take care of some matters of business. We have 12 official members and will be meeting last monday of every month. People got the hang of how it works and played 3 rounds and then we called it a night. Everyone was so stoked and we all looked so cute that we had to take a 'bunco pic'
ps. if you are somewhat confused at the objects that are displayed with us.
Bowl of Candy: Treats and snacks are including at every event
Weiner Dog: aka the 'traveler' if you get three twos you get the dog and who ever has it at the end gets a prize
dice: bunco is simply a dice game.. 9 di included.
Horn: we need some kind of noise maker to maintain the games composure.
Any way I am looking forward to it! And Im the sure the boys will to, while all the girls played bunco the boys play halo. haha