Josh and Mandy
Me and Jordan
The Ol' Crew
Every Year in the middle of October a group of our friends put on a ball. It is formal attire and everyone wears a mask. It was way fun! Jordan had the opportunity of wearing the 'V' mask from V for Vendetta and acted like the character all night, it was mildly entertaining to say the least. Even just walking up to the party he was swinging around the light post, frolicking throughout the streets, and of course speaking the lines all night long. My mask was just a cute pirate mask and thats pretty much that.
Half way through the dance we got rid of the masks cuz lets face it gets to freaking hot. They had a delightful different taste of music from miley cyrus, 80s, and of course gangsta rap. We owned it all!
For friday, me and jordan went out to dinner just us! It has been awhile of just me and him going to dinner so it was quite refreshing. We went to Mikados which is this delish!!!!!! sushi place and we both love it. After dinner we met up with jesse and garrett and went hot tubbing at snowbird. My parents have a two time shares up there so we took advantage of that! Other then that it was an enjoyable weekend! I am so excited for this week, so much going on!!
*pumpkin carving
*preping our awesome customes
*scary movies
*thanksgiving point party
*mine and dustee house party on saturday
HALLOWEEN IS A WONDERFUL TIME! (except the scary part of it, cuz well I'm chicken) BUT STILL!!
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